Circuits with Capacitors in Tinkercad
We will build on the skills we learned in the LED circuit. This circuit uses a capacitor. A capacitor stores current and releases it at a steady rate. The current in a circuit can change with power fluctuations, which can damage sensitive circuits. Capacitors are used to smooth out the current supplied to components and gradually reduce the current supplied to a component.
A capacitor is similar to a battery. It stores current and releases it when a circuit is closed. However, unlike batteries, capacitors don’t store as much current. Nevertheless, they are reliable and don’t need to be replaced like batteries.
This is an excellent time to discuss potential energy and kinetic energy. Batteries and capacitors store electricity, which is potential energy. The stored energy is released into circuits and provides kinetic energy. The amount of kinetic energy released is measured as current. The potential energy in batteries is measured in volts.
The potential energy in capacitors is measured in Farads. Capacitors store electrostatic charge. They don’t produce the current released. They store it and release it at a steady rate.
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